By Cindy Davis | Videos | April 14, 2015 |
By Cindy Davis | Videos | April 14, 2015 |
If you’ve been watching — or already gulped down — Netflix’s Daredevil (aka the greatest ever superhero show), there were likely two fight scenes that grabbed you right away. The first was the opening episode’s fight in the rain, which actually won stunt coordinator Philip J. Silvera (The Dark Knight Rises, Thor: The Dark World) the Daredevil gig, and the second was this balls to the wall, three-minute single-shot fight scene that’s winning a lot of comparisons to Park Chan-wook’s Oldboy fight. If this (and T.K.’s review) doesn’t convince you to watch the series (why aren’t you already watching?!), nothing will.
Silvera says that for him, the hallway scene defines the series; it was scripted as a one-shot, and he accepted director Phil Abraham’s (Mad Men, Orange Is the New Black) to do it as such — there are no cuts.
“We did do a few Texas Switches between our actor and our stunt double, but it was purely a one shot fight. There were no cuts in that fight. Every performer, the actors and the stunt doubles, were in there performing that fight full on. I’d say there was a minimum of 105 beats, and they killed it.”
Also of note, the series’ cool opening title sequence is by Elastic, hand chosen because of their True Detective opening.