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Was This Chris Pratt 'SNL' Sketch Cut For Time or Cut For Extreme Weirdness?

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 30, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 30, 2015 |

Sometimes Saturday Night Live releases one of these “cut for time” sketches, and it seems ludicrous that they couldn’t have made room for it. Sometimes they flop and it makes total sense. And sometimes one is released that just makes your brain hurt. That’s the case with this sketch from Chris Pratt’s episode back in September, in which he plays Jason Statham peddling meats. I honestly can’t decide if it’s amazing or just too weird to exist. It’s got a lot going for it, but it’s still really… off. Let’s take a look:

—Pro: Chris Pratt’s surprisingly spot-on Statham impression.
—Con: That ultra-disturbing bald cap.
—Pro: Pratt having to repeatedly work his mouth around the phrase “Jason Statham’s Jason Steakums.”
—Con: What the hell happened with that Kenan cameo?
—Pro: Helpful detailed instructions for eating human food like a human.
—Con: That bald cap again.

I just don’t know.