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TLC Is Here To Remind You That No Matter What You Do, There Will Always Be Someone More F***ed Up Than You

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 7, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 7, 2013 |

You watch this TLC reality show, “Strange Addictions”? Yeah. Me neither. Life’s too short. But hell if those half hour episodes don’t make for strangely curious Internet posts. There’s the Florida couple addiction to coffee enemas; The woman who eats her cat’s hair; and last year, my Uproxx colleague catalogued the 10 Strangest Addictions, including the guy who eats glass, the woman who eats from her ashtray, and the woman who is addicted to bleach baths. BLEACH, people.

This week’s perverse oddity comes 19-year-old Allison, who eats tires, which is totally not normal, y’all. She doesn’t eat the entire things at once — she’s not a Looney Tunes character — but she does eat shreds of them, and over the course of six years, she’s eaten 50. 50 TIRES. Or about

“The rubber tire pieces taste really chemically, like a shock to your taste buds. It’s amazing,” she says. “The texture of the rubber pieces is like beef jerky. It’s a work out for your jaw.”

Her husband, naturally, works in a tire factory, so there’s always rubber on the table.

This human interest story is brought to you by TLC. Here’s a woman addicted to eating her dead husband’s ashes.

You are so welcome!