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This Version Of The 'Titanic' Theme Song Will Make You Want To B*tch Slap Celine Dion

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | October 16, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | October 16, 2013 |

I don’t really care that this video is old. This 10-year-old (6-year-old? 8-year-old? Make up your mind, internet) rocks the face off of “My Heart Will Go On” on his guitar. And you know what? You know what, America? This song is gorgeous. Titanic is overblown, Celine Dion is a clownshoe, but this score is absolutely beautiful. So forget ol’ Celine and her mangled vowels and sink into this child’s amazing skills. Oh, kid, if this were 1997, you would be hip deep in middle school girls.