By Petr Navovy | Videos | March 30, 2018 |
By Petr Navovy | Videos | March 30, 2018 |
I love finding random videos on the internet. Whether it’s a chair at the beach, a man staring down a charging bull elephant, or—um—this, there’s something about these little nuggets of arbitrary goodness that brings a joy unlike anything else. Sometimes it’s the sheer, pointless effort behind it that gets me. For example, let’s say you’re filming a concert crowd with your drone when a fight breaks out and you’re lucky enough to get it all on video. That’s already great enough. Most people would rest on their laurels after that, content in knowing that they’ve done a good, honest day’s work. But not this dude. This dude not only spent who knows how much time studying the footage to find amusing mini-narratives unfolding in the madness, but then also narrated them, and put some fancy graphics on it! I could watch this for an hour:
‘Trashcan destroyed!’
I really need to see more quotidian bullshit broken down with Bourne-esque graphics and commentary like this.
Someone break this down please.
Petr Knava lives in London and plays music