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This 1988 Stan Lee Interview Is a Weird Prophecy of Comics Future

By Vivian Kane | Videos | December 29, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | December 29, 2014 |

This video of Stan Lee is a cool blast from the nerd past. This interview is from the 1988 WonderCon (then called The Wonderful World of Comics Convention because people then had more time to speak in full words, I guess) and he’s being interviewed by Joe Field, who later went on to create Free Comic Book Day (and who released the video in honor of Lee’s 92nd birthday). Check out how amazed Field is by the idea of a live-action Thor. And man, 1988 Stan would have been so into Twitter when it came to talking up your favorite Marvel properties. The future, you guys, it’s NOW.

Via Uproxx.