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There Will Be Blood: 'The Walking Dead' Cast and Crew Talk Season 6

By Cindy Davis | Videos | April 13, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | April 13, 2015 |

Am I the only one already missing The Walking Dead? Sure, Game of Thrones and Mad Men have finally returned, and Daredevil is damned exhilarating, but things just aren’t the same without my Sunday Rick and Co. So, I’m happy to catch this little glimpse of the gang already talking season 6; they don’t have many predictions other than “total chaos,” and “there’s always gonna be blood” — the producers are slightly more forthcoming.

Like us, Andrew Lincoln is excited about the Rick and Morgan (Lennie James) reunion, curious to see what will happen between two friends with “completely opposite” ideologies.

“I’ve got a feeling there’s a storm coming. There are bad, bad people out there.”

Yes! That’s exactly what we want to hear. The Walking Dead returns to AMC this October.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) prefers the Netflix series model (binge!).