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Taran Killam and Seth Meyers Relive the Jebidiah Atkinson Joke on 'SNL' that BOMBED

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 26, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 26, 2014 |

I’m not entirely sure why I find this clip from last night’s Late Night so amusing, but do, damnit, so there you go. In it, Meyers talks about how he and Taran Killam brought the seasons’ best recurring character, Jebidiah Atkinson, to fruition, and then they talk about a particular joke they tried to land during one of the segments. They were both so sure of the joke, and Taran leaned so hard into it, that when it was met with deafening silence, Meyers couldn’t help but to lose it.

Basically, I’m posting this because Meyers’ reaction to a failed joke is priceless.