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Stephen Fry's Interview With This Gay-"Curing" Doctor Might Just Break Your Heart

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | October 16, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | October 16, 2013 |

Stephen Fry, he of Fry & Laurie, Jeeves And Wooster, Wilde and eloquent eloquence fame recently conducted an interview with an LA doctor who claims to be able to cure gayness. Despite Fry’s aforementioned linguistic prowess, it’s his gentle non-confrontational approach that produces this startling interview with Dr. Joseph Nicolosi of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality. (Please take some pleasure from the way Fry snarls out the acronym “NARTH.”) I believe the phrase you’re looking for here is “hoisted by his own bigoted, close-minded, pseudo-scientific, charlatan petard.”