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Sam Jackson Not Pleased When a Motherf**king Reporter Confuses Him for Laurence Fishburne

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 10, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 10, 2014 |

He could’ve completely laughed it off, but I kind of appreciate that Sam Jackson didn’t let the Los Angeles entertainment reporter off the hook for confusing him for Laurence Fishburne, after Jackson was asked about his Super Bowl commercial last weekend (uh, Jackson wasn’t in a Super Bowl commercial). “We don’t all look alike! We may be black and famous, but we don’t all look alike!” Jackson said before completely derailing the interview to put the reporter in his place.

Don’t feel too bad, reporter guy. It could happen to anyone, who is racist.

My favorite moment is that second of silence, when the reporter realizes he’s made a terrible mistake and he’s about to get Sam Jackson’d for it.

(via Vulture)