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Puppets Explain Everything You Ever Needed To Know To Bang An English Major

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | June 28, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | June 28, 2013 |

Hey fellas. Ladies. Do you have your eye on a bookish type? At a loss for what to say to them? Well, fear not, I have just the thing. No, no. Don’t worry, I’m not going to suggest you crack a book. But a sure-fire way to get any self-respecting English Major’s attention is a super seductive, in-depth conversation about Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth. Don’t believe me? Watch these puppets explain it reaaaal slow-like and then go try it out on the nearest bespectacled cutie.

P.S. Also entertaining for those who actually read, watch movies, like puppets, hate Nazis and admire the earlier works of Adam Sandler. Enjoy!

(devastating Felicia Day header image via Bui Brothers)

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