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Proof That Marion Cotillard Can Sell Us Anything. Anything At All

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 12, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 12, 2014 |

This new five minute Dior ad is definitely in the running for best commercial ever. “Five minutes?!” you say? “I don’t want to watch a five minute Dior commercial!” Of course you don’t. No one does. That’s ridiculous. But do you want to watch a five minute long video of Marion Cotillard singing about her own (I assume) legs and dancing around a swimming pool? Yes you do.

What is this ad even selling? It’s supposed to be for their new fall/winter collection, but isn’t that a bathing suit? A long sleeved (is that WOOL?) bathing suit? No one needs that. No one even wants that. But Marion Cotillard? She makes me want three in different colors.

Via The Playlist.