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Prepare to Have John Oliver Terrify the Sh*t Out of You: Drones Edition

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 29, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 29, 2014 |

Are you ready for your weekly dose of terror/total outrage? Good! Because it’s Last Week Tonight time, and that, as we know, is John Oliver’s specialty. This week he and his team did some digging into military drone strikes, which is now one of those things I can’t believe I didn’t know more about. (Just like student debt, the corrupt, predatory check cashing business, and the sleazy-ass Miss America Pageant.) Because not only are the guidelines by which we use drones completely arbitrary and terrifying, but we utilize this invisible, constant threat of death so frequently that it is now widely thought of as “the face of America.”

Still, as Oliver puts it, this is

one of those things that it’s really convenient not to think about that much, like the daily life of a circus elephant, or the fact that Beck is a Scientologist. You really don’t want people reminding you about those kinds of things.

Because if there’s one thing Americans are great at, it’s ignoring the shit our government has been doing for years.