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"Parks and Recreation" Recut As an (Adorable) Horror Movie

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | August 8, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | August 8, 2013 |

Taking something light and fun and recutting it as a horror movie is fairly old-hat by now. The Mary Poppins recut as a horror movie is probably the best of them all, although I’m a big fan of the Sleepless in Seatle recut, as well. Because the trend is about five years old and fairly stale by now, the ever timely NBC decided to jump in and create their own version of Parks and Recreation recut as a horror movie.

It is a spectacular failure as a horror movie. As an account of how adorable Parks and Recreation is, and how no amount of screeching music or cherry picked lines can polish away the adorableness, it’s a pretty spectacular edit.

Leslie Knope as a murderer? It’ll never work.