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OJ Simpson Once Released a Rap Song Called 'Get Juiced' and It Will F*ck Up Your Whole Day

By Courtney Enlow | Videos | April 11, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Videos | April 11, 2016 |

I don’t know what to do with my feelings right now.

Back in 2008, OJ Simpson took part in what could probably be described as one of the most inappropriate methods of capitalizing on the murder of two people in history until he wrote the book If I Did It the same month. The show Juiced was, and I am not joking, a hidden camera prank show wherein he would scare unsuspecting victims, once referencing a Bronco. It happened. Someone allowed it and paid him money to be part of it.

And this was its theme song.

Don’t you know there’s no stopping the Juice When I’m on the floor I’m like a lion on the loose Better shoot me with a tranquilizer dart Don’t be stupid, I’m not a Simpson named Bart

Sorry about your whole day. OJ will be eligible for parole and perhaps available to make his follow-up track next fall.