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Mila Kunis Chose to Eat a Cow's Tongue Rather than Explain 'Jupiter Ascending'

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | July 26, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | July 26, 2016 |

James Corden has come up with a fancy, new Fallon-esque game called “Spill Your Guts” or “Fill Your Guts,” where the celebrities involved are asked a personal question and must either answer it or eat something disgusting, like mayonnaise and soy sauce, clam juice, or calf brains.

Last night, Christina Applegate and Mila Kunis debuted the game (I think), and the first question Mila Kunis was asked was about her husband Ashton Kutcher’s penis, which she had to describe as either a carrot stick or a beer can. Instead of drinking the clam juice, she ultimately described it as a beer can — one of those longer beer cans, like a Monster Energy Drink or a Guinness, which is a disgusting thing to know about Ashton Kutcher’s penis.

What’s remarkable, however, is that while she was willing to answer a question about her husband’s penis, when asked to describe the plot of Jupiter Ascending, she opted to eat the cow tongue, instead. That’s how incoherent the Wachowski’s movie was.

Kunis did get Corden back, however, by forcing him to eat the calf’s brain rather than answer who his least favorite “Carpool Karaoke” participant was.