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'Jurassic World' Tries To Make Dino Poop Sexy, Reminds Us Some Deleted Scenes Should Have Stayed Deleted

By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 21, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 21, 2015 |

I think most of us would be completely happy to forget Jurassic World was ever a movie that existed. But thanks to DVD and Blu-ray bonus materials, not only are we being reminded of the movie’s existence, we’re being given MORE of it. This deleted scene shows Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard’s Owen and Caire, respectively, digging through a big pile of dino droppings. No doubt, they were paying homage to one of the greatest scenes of the franchise.


By comparison, though, this new scene falls totally flat. (Sorry, BDH, but Laura Dern is the only person on Earth who can pull off that look.) Actually, even on its own, without any comparison, it falls flat. Mostly due to lame dialogue and general sexism. See, Owen thinks Claire’s dumb girly vanilla lotion is going to attract all the dinosaurs, so they need to cover their scents. In an act of defiant self-actualization, Claire rubs the droppings all over herself, very sexy-like because sure, that’s what this movie needed: sexy sh*t smearings. But—twist!— she did it wrong! Cause she’s a dumb girl in vanilla lotion who was trying to be sexy when she should have been running from dinosaurs. Dumb ol’ girls.

Via /Film.