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Mads Forgot How to Tie a Tie, Fishburne Gags: The 'Hannibal' Blooper Reel Is Bloody Good Fun, and Excellent Season 3 Details Emerge

By Cindy Davis | Videos | July 24, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | July 24, 2014 |

For a series as dark as Hannibal, it must be extremely important for the cast to be able to let loose once in a while, and have a little fun. It’s good to know that in between all the dead bodies, crime scenes, and eating people parts, Mads, Hugh, Laurence, Scott and even Gillian Anderson goof, clown around, lose mikes down shirts…and laugh. Bryan Fuller and Co. (including Scott Thompson, Aaron Abrams and Caroline Dhavernas) held court at SDCC and revealed some Season 3 details, the blooper reel, and Fuller talked Clarice Starling. Among the revelations (Note: Season 2 Spoilers ahead)

  • Season 3 will begin one year after the Season 2 finale events, and episode 4 will reveal what happened in between (the finale and the new season). The time jump is intended to keep us in the dark as to who survived the finale, at least for a while. The first half of the season will center on the pursuit of Hannibal, and “…feel like “a pilot for a new series starring Mads Mikkelsen and Gillian Anderson.”
  • The Season 3 cuisine will be Italian (a clue to where Hannibal and Bedelia are headed).

  • Though he was shot in the face, Raul Esparza’s Dr. Frederick Chilton will be “a huge part of season three.”

  • And though he certainly seemed dead, Eddie Izzard (Dr. Abel Gideon) return via flashback.

  • Kacey Rohl (Abigail Hobbes) will appear “in some form.”

  • Inspector Pazzi will be introduced in Episode 2, and Lady Murasaki (Hannibal’s very influential aunt), in episode 3.

  • Season 3 will be split into two parts, essentially combining what Bryan Fuller had envisioned as Seasons 3 and 4 into one season. “We are on track with the original plan with the one exception of condensing what was to have been Season 3 and Season 4 all into one season now,” Fuller explained. “So, the first half of the season will have its finale that reaches a climax and wraps up that story in a great way, and then we start a new story, and then that will have its own climax at the end of the season. “Two separate stories that’ll have two finales and so you get two seasons for the price of one.”
  • The second story arc will introdue Francis Dolarhyde in Episode 8, and (if NBC renews) carry through into the next season, when…
  • Clarice Starling is expected (hoped) to be introduced in Season 4. MGM owns the rights to Clarice, but Fuller has planned a “full court press” of MGM — he wants to complete the story properly. If MGM still refuses, Fuller will “introduce ‘Schmarice Schmarling.’”
  • Fuller answered a question about Hannibal and Will’s feelings for each other: “It’s not a sexual love, but, Fuller says, “They have a pure love for each other, and that’s what makes it so complicated.” Hannibal’s creator would also love to do a musical episode: “I would love to do a surreal musical number in Hannibal’s mindplace. Fuller envisions “Mikkelsen swinging around like Christopher Walken in ‘Weapon of Choice.”

And, here’s the blooper reel. Enjoy!

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) is wish-hurrying Season 3’s arrival.