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Let John Oliver Teach You How to Regift Without Pissing People Off

By Vivian Kane | Videos | December 14, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | December 14, 2015 |

Last Week Tonight is still on hiatus until February (*rageful sobs*), but Joh Oliver has released this special holiday video, and it strikes that perfect Oliver blend of funny jokes and really f*cking useful information. So what’s the holiday cause he’s decided to take on? Regifting.

Oliver acknowledges regifting as an unavoidable part of this season. You get stuff you don’t like, you have to give gifts to people you don’t care about— it’s just the natural life cycle of shitty knick knacks and low quality booze. But there are some simple guidelines you can follow to at least not be too obvious.

Come back John Oliver, we miss you and require so much guidance.