By Joanna Robinson | Videos | November 26, 2013 |
By Joanna Robinson | Videos | November 26, 2013 |
First of all let’s address this middle school photo. Did you look like that? Did you have perfect Farrah hair in middle school? Um, me too. I wasn’t at all afflicted by an unfortunate bangs/cowlick combo. Not in the slightest. Anyway, the classmate of Lawrence’s who posted this photo said that Jennifer hasn’t changed much since she was a goofy pre-teen and tonight on Letterman, Josh Hutcherson basically confirmed what we all hoped. Lawrence’s media appearances aren’t some carefully constructed performance but, rather, a refreshingly honest and unmannered look at a young, unpretentious woman. Hutcherson says:
She doesn’t have a filter. No, no…She has this thing, where we would do a lot of interviews together and we’d do these roundtables where you go in and there’s like ten journalists. And we’ve had times where we go in there and do these interviews and she’ll just start talking for like five minutes and say crazy, crazy things. And then go, ‘oh sorry, don’t write that, that was off the record.’ And you’re just like ‘OH MY GOD, YOU CAN’T SAY THESE THINGS!’
Do I feel a little guilty that Hutcherson was asked on Letterman and the most interesting part of the interview was the Lawrence section? I do. But she’s so damn irresistible. Are you tired of her yet? I hope not. She’s got another film out this year. You’ve not seen the last of her. In the meantime, here’s the adorably wee Hutcherson waxing poetic about Lawrence.