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Joseph Gordon-Levitt And His Dimples Welcome You To His Brand New TV Show

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | December 5, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | December 5, 2013 |

Ladies and gay dudes, as I’m sure you know, when JGL is not otherwise occupied causing a world-wide vest shortage or practicing the fine art of the bump ‘n grind, he heads up a great online project called HitRECord. This project, which fosters, encourages and distributes the collaborative artistic efforts of (begging your pardon) the average Joe, is obviously Gordon-Levitt’s true passion. His Twitter handle is @hitRECordJoe, the project has produced a few books and countless live stage shows and he can usually be seen wearing his signature record button lapel pin.

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Other than JGL’s fondness for old fashioned song and dance routines, this commitment to shining his light and good fortune on other people’s creative endeavor’s might be his most endearing quality. Now he’s bringing that project to TV and hosting a half-hour variety show called HitRECord On TV. Here’s the new trailer:

I mean, it’s enough to make your skinny jeans feel tight and your ukulele to pop a few strings. But I contend the project and JGL’s TV show is not just for the hipster set. This is genuine do-goodery here and I’d love to see it supported. Here’s the endearing homespun poster featuring a number of HitREcord artists. Enjoy!


The series is set to debut Saturday, January 18 at 10 PM on Pivot. Is that a station you get? You don’t know? Well you have over a month to look into it. LOOK INTO IT.