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Jimmy Fallon Fulfills Every Boy's Dream, Proves He's Better at Something Than James Bond

By Emily Cutler | Videos | August 20, 2014 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | August 20, 2014 |

I’m not actually a regular watcher of The Tonight Show, but I am a fan of Jimmy Fallon. Specifically, I’m a fan of Jimmy Fallon because he does exactly what I would do if I got to hang out with celebrities. Bruce Springsteen is coming over? Convince him to sing “Born To Run” with you. Julia Roberts is stopping by? Let’s throw balls at her face. This guy is going to hang out? pierce-brosnan-james-bond.jpeg

You make him plan Goldeneye 007.

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that Brosnan is that bad at Goldeneye. I genuinely believed I was the worst player ever. But I won’t be really happy with Fallon until he convinces Meryl Streep to come on the show and trip out on ghost orchids.