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Ira Glass Making Balloon Animals Will Give You A Mean Case Of The Science Fridays

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | August 2, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | August 2, 2013 |

Each week, of course, Ira Glass and his band of misfit presenters tickle our earholes with funny, profound and always engrossing thematically linked stories. But today, folks, Glass has taken to a different medium to address something of the utmost importance. That’s right. Balloon Animals. Or, as Glass keeps endearingly calling them, Animals Balloons. This is no simple “put your lips together and blow” instructional. Glass knows his Animal Balloon sh*t. Like, were you aware that these balloons come in different sizes? They do, and Glass knows the slang for them. So kick back and watch NPR’s biggest sex symbol twist up some inflated rubber while professing his Animal Balloon snobbery. Adorable.

(h/t esme)