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Important: Watch This If You Want to Fill In the Storyline Gaps For Tonight's Episode of "Hannibal"

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 25, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 25, 2013 |

This is annoying, but if you’re watching NBC’s “Hannibal” — and you really should be, it’s great — you should know that they have ditched episode four due to the Boston Marathon tragedies.

The problem with ditching an episode in a serialized show, however, is that it will leave gaps in the storyline. If you tune into tonight’s episode without having seen the fourth episode, you’re going to be confused. So, NBC and Bryan Fuller have attempted to work around it by providing a “cannibalized” version of tonight’s episode. That’s annoying. It’s even more annoying because it’s in six different videos, which provide a little more than half of the episode, but that leave out the case-of-the-week, so to speak.

The things we suffer for a decent television drama. I have a sneaking suspicion that this may be the breaking point for some people on the fence about “Hannibal.” Too much effort.