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I'll Have What She's Having: How 'The Mindy Project' Is Just One Big 'When Harry Met Sally' Rip-Off

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | December 11, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | December 11, 2013 |

I’m a staunch defender of The Mindy Project. Yes, even during this uneven season. The show coasts bumpily along on Mindy Kaling’s self-deprecation and the warm, fuzzy chemistry between Kaling’s Dr. Lahiri and Chris Messina’s Dr. Castellano. What follows is one of those “shipping” fan videos you see by the millions on YouTube. Set to the sweet, goopy strains of The National’s “I Need My Girl” and plagued by enough lens flare to make even JJ Abrams throw up his hands in disgust, the video actually draws some pretty great visual comparisons between When Harry Met Sally and The Mindy Project.

Kaling herself has cited the Nora Ephron film as a major source of inspiration and, of course, the cool modern twist to this particular version of the story is that it’s not some blonde twiggy vanilla princess like Meg Ryan in the lead. It’s Mindy. (No disrespect meant, Meg. You’re my favorite kind of vanilla.) The video did miss my favorite (and very recent) Sally allusion:


And no disrespect meant to Billy Crystal and his white man’s overbite…

…but I think we know who wins this particular dance-off.

What’s the most important information you should take away from this post. Both spiral perms and pixie cuts are a crime against hairmanity and should only be used with extreme caution.

(via Vulture)