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If Life Were More Like Theater, Neil Patrick Harris Would Be BFF to Everyone!

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 11, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 11, 2012 |

While many of you were watching last night’s season finale of “Mad Men” (more on that later), the 66th Annual Tony Awards were happening in New York. The big winner of the night was Once, and since that was originally a movie, most of you don’t have to feel left out about your ignorance of Broadway. Other winners included Mike Nichols for best Director (Death of a Salesman) and Newsies for best choreography, which just goes to show you that the Tonys pick better movies than the Oscars.

The big to-do of the night, however, was Neil Patrick Harris’ opening number. It was his third-time hosting, and for the third time, his opening number was the only part of the ceremony that I watched. The man is a show-stopper, people. Here is the opening monologue and opening musical number, in full. It’ll make you glad you made the decision to wake up this morning.