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Ian McKellen And Patrick Stewart Take Over Seth Meyers' 'Late Night,' Finally Class Up the Joint

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 1, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | March 1, 2014 |

Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan, the King and King of Twitter, took over Seth Meyers’ Late Night on Friday, although McKellan probably couldn’t tell you who Seth Meyers is (at one point, McKellen said that all the late-night shows run together, and at another, he referred to Seth as “Jimmy”). That, however, is just part of the McKellan/Stewart charm.

Here, McKellan — who has always wanted to host a late-night show and run his own band — does just that, taking over for Meyers. It is charming as ever, though I can’t get over Seth Meyers’ set. It reminds me a lot of the old-school Letterman set, only bro-ier, which is to say: A step above public access. It worked for Dave, but Meyers is too polished for a set like this. It doesn’t suit him, and the guests always look miserable in those chairs.