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I Don't Care What Benedict Cumberbatch Is Selling With This Shakespearean Soliloquy, I'll Buy Three

By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 28, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | October 28, 2014 |

Yes, today will definitely be forever known as Marvel Announcement Day. But just because Benny Cumberbatch’s role as Doctor Strange hasn’t been officially officially confirmed, doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything worth paying attention to today. Of course, I imagine him clipping his toenails is worth paying attention to, but coverage of that sort of thing seems to be frowned upon. Lucky for us, we can instead focus on this growly slam dunk of a Shakespearean soliloquy. The As You Like It speech, which tracks the course of a human life from birth to death, is a great fit for this ad, which seems to be for everything the BBC has every produced, past and present.