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How Has It Taken 'SNL' This Long to Start Releasing Blooper Reels?

By Vivian Kane | Videos | February 10, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | February 10, 2016 |

When Saturday Night Live released the bonus footage from the Adam Driver episode’s spectacular Kylo Ren Undercover Boss, it was one of the best moves the show had made in years. After all, it gave us the opportunity to see Leslie Jones tickle a Stormtrooper, and Bobby Moynihan get flung into a vending machine.

In general, SNL is making great use of their YouTube channel, most notably with the decision to start airing cut sketches. But they don’t often release behind-the-scenes extra footage like with Adam Driver, and I can’t remember them ever giving us a straight-up blooper reel. But apparently this week’s episode with Larry David had too many giggles to keep contained.

As Dustin noted in his recap this weekend, “FBI Simulator” was the first sketch of the night, but definitely felt more like a back-half time filler. I liked the sketch more than Dustin did, but that sentiment is hard to argue with. It was basically just four minutes of one joke (even if I did really enjoy the joke). Over at Vanity Fair, Joanna posits the idea that the sketch itself was only put on air because Lorne Michaels wanted Larry David to break. And after watching the sketch’s outtakes, that seems entirely believable. Have you ever heard a beet red-faced Larry David ask if a bitch can get a donut, in a pitch that only dogs can hear? No? Then you haven’t truly lived.