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Grab Your Mustache Wax And Your Yellowest Outfit, Here's A New Wes Anderson Short Film

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | November 13, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | November 13, 2013 |

In the vein of Hotel Chevalier, Wes Anderson has cooked up another short film with Jason Schwartzman called Castello Cavalcanti. What this one lacks in jaunty Peter Sarstedt tunes and scantily clad Natalie Portmans it makes up for in delightful Schwartzman swears. The plot, premise and execution are spare but the seven minute film is stylish enough to satisfy that itch we Anderson junkies are always dying to scratch. Prada funded the film but their product placement is very tasteful and discreet. Enjoy.