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Forgetting Where He Is, President Obama Frustratingly Sticks to the Script on "The Daily Show"

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | October 19, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | October 19, 2012 |

Don’t blame Jon Stewart, who did a great job of asking the questions, trying to get honest, candid answers out of President Obama in front of a sympathetic audience. Unfortunately, throughout the entire two-part interview, the President stuck to the talking points. There’s a couple of small, unremarkable unscripted moments, but for the most part, the President wasted an opportunity, saying almost nothing new.

The best part of the interview, in fact, is Stewart’s attempts to buddy up to Obama in the hopes of getting through the campaign facade. I suppose this late in the game, Obama doesn’t want to say anything that might be held against him, but on the same day that he used an opportunity at the Al Smith dinner to make light of himself, Mitt Romney, and the campaign, it’s a bummer that he wasted one with a incredibly friendly audience, both on set and watching at home (and the Internet).

The interview is embedded below if you’d like to watch it, but there’s nothing new or interesting to see, except for a brief exchange in the beginning of part two about Joe Biden’s bathing suit.