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Don Cheadle Reveals on 'Conan' that 'Fatty' Kristen Bell Thinks She's Better than Everyone Else

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 30, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 30, 2014 |

On Conan last night, Don Cheadle spent much of his segment talking about his relationship with Kristen Bell, with whom he works on Showtime’s House of Lies. Apparently, ever since Frozen found a place at the top of the box office and got stuck there, Bell has been difficult to work with, despite the fact that Bell is not the only person in the cast who has ever had a number one movie (in fact, Cheadle’s Iron Man 3 still hovers above Frozen among the highest grossing films of all year).

Also, Cheadle reveals that Bell’s name on the set is ‘fatty.’


And she likes the nickname.

via Uproxx