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Darren Aronofsky's True Wrestling Masterpiece Involves Two Adorable Beasts

By Cindy Davis | Videos | November 25, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | November 25, 2014 |

Recently honored by The Humane Society for his use of CGI instead of live animals in Noah, Darren Aronofsky mentioned to Vulture that he did once make a film with real animals — but it was kind of a flop. Not only did he not win awards of any kind, but when the director put his movie on YouTube, it barely got noticed. “”I thought it was a great video, but it didn’t go viral. I only got like 50 hits.”

We should really do a better job of supporting award-winning directors, don’t you think? Especially when one of this calibre does his own (dangerous) handheld camera work, editing, and adds absolutely no special effects. This is the raw(r)est of footage; this is Aronofsky’s A Tale of Two Beasts:

That’s some awesome cinematography right there, and how about that monkey’s stunt work? I’d give him five bananas…but I think the dog won the match.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) supports WWE (Woof Woof Eeee!) Raw(r).