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Crusty Morgan Freeman Gives a 'Very Undignified' Interview on Helium on 'The Tonight Show'

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | July 25, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | July 25, 2014 |

I like Morgan Freeman. He was on the Nerdist podcast a few weeks ago, and he’s kind of a salty bastard. He spoke slowly and methodically (I sped it up to 1.5x and barely noticed), and he didn’t seem to really understand the podcast medium. He seemed annoyed by Chris Hardwick’s attempts to probe deeper into his career, and I had the feeling Freeman thought most of Hardwick’s questions were “fruity,” or at least that’s what I kept imagining that Freeman was thinking in his head. “Why does this kid keep asking me how I define success I define it by the size of my bank account, and the number of mistresses I have.”

Freeman’s career philosophy, in a way, seemed to be: “Do the f**king work, and if you do the f**king work long enough, you’ll be successful. Now please leave me alone so I can count my money.”

But you know what? He’s 167, he’s been in the industry for eons, and if he wants to eat during a podcast and barely pay attention to half the questions, he’s Morgan Goddamn Freeman, and he can do whatever he wants.

That’s a long, unrelated way of introducing this clip from last night’s The Tonight Show, which features Morgan Freeman sucking the helium from a balloon and speaking in a “very undignified” voice.