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Conan O'Brien Does Not React Well to Adam Pally's Revolting Poop Story

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | November 13, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | November 13, 2014 |

I mean, I wanted to laugh at Adam Pally’s epic poop story, and sure, it’s amusing at times to watch a grown man wearing a fake moustache describe a terrible and recent experience with a bowel movement. But to be honest, my stomach was churling, and I may have dry heaved a couple of times during the course of the story.

I can watch zombies get their heads caved in all day on The Walking Dead, I can watch Marilyn Manson anally rape a guy on Sons of Anarchy, and I can (and have) changed an incredible amount of baby disapers, but a detailed adult poop story? It’s too much.

I’m with Conan here: Speed it up, bro. Let’s get the story told and done with so we can move on with our days.

I will never look at Pally the same way again.