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Bryce Dallas Howard Has the Most Amazing Party Trick

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 11, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 11, 2015 |

Whatever you guys think of Jurassic World when it opens tonight, please do not hold Bryce Dallas Howard accountable for any negative feelings you might have. The woman is amazing. She has amazing genes, she’s married to the guy from Fringe, she’s, like, literally the best friend you could have , and she has a great sense of humor about being confused for Jessica Chastain.

Here’s one more thing she can do: Cry on command. And it’s not like she just drops a tear out of her eye. She fucking performs, so much so that you actually think she’s crying here in the clip on Conan while he’s prattling on about Home Depot. It’s so good that I actually felt myself welling up with sympathy tears. OVER HOME DEPOT.

How terrific was that?