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Bitches, Man: Women, Your Female Brains are Why You Aren't as Successful as Men

By Courtney Enlow | Videos | November 19, 2013 |

By Courtney Enlow | Videos | November 19, 2013 |

Sorry, let me put that into words your tiny girl brains can fathom. Derp derp cry ice cream Nicholas Sparks derp tampon.

Hark! Puny females! Listen up! You are no doubt super successful. You know, for a girl or whatever. But the reason you’re not more successful in the technology field has nothing to do with sexism, a myth invented by feminists on their periods to destroy Jesus’s America, but because the tiny female brain simply cannot work in the tech industry like man-brains, which are made of camouflage, cigars, bourbon and success. YOUR VAGINA IS WHY YOU FAIL. The other reasons you fail? ALL THE GODDAMN LIBERALS AND FOREIGN PEOPLE! Thanks, Obama!

Thank god we have the Republican Party to tell us to follow our dreams of doing whatever we want as long as it’s not reproduction-related.