By Joanna Robinson | Videos | September 5, 2013 |
By Joanna Robinson | Videos | September 5, 2013 |
I don’t know if you caught the James Franco Roast this past week but Franco’s dazed and confused reaction to what was going on around him was, well, completely in line with what we’ve seen from him in the past. My favorite part is still Aziz Ansari’s blistering takedown but my least favorite part was when Franco managed to sneak in a dig at Anne Hathaway. Not cute, brother.
Anyway, last night on “Jimmy Kimmel,” Bill Hader explained Franco’s reaction pretty handily: James had no idea what a Roast is. Yup. I would love to see what verbal gymnastics Seth Rogen performed to get Franco to agree to something he didn’t understand. All that aside, though, Hader’s impressions of Franco both at the Roast and on the set of “James Dean” are pretty priceless. In fact his whole interview is a treasure. “SNL” is going to miss the crap out of him.