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Bill Burr's Views on How Women Are Ruining Football Make Conan O'Brien (and Every Other Sane Human) VERY Uncomfortable

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 30, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 30, 2014 |

Bill Burr, famed sometimes-funny, always-dickish comedian, decided to let loose on Conan and tell us all just what he thinks of women, specifically how we’re “taking over” the NFL. His opinion is, in short, not favorable. The highlights are as follows:

-We have complex lizard brains that are capable of focusing on shoes AND frenemy envy at the same time, and that’s why we don’t like football.

-Despite the fact that we don’t like football, we’re determined to ruin the NFL— nay, the whole sport— for men. Because… more jealousy?

-Our favorite way to “take over” football is to “dress everybody in the NFL like newborn baby girls.”

-We should let men have their multi-billion dollar franchise and not bother them, because they totally leave us alone when we have our lady friends over. See? Separate But Equal IS a thing!

The best part of this entire video is watching Conan uncomfortably navigate the weird. He knows he’s supposed to laugh and banter with his guest, but there was no way out of this one.