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Bet You Can't Pick Just One: Our Beloved Jesse Pinkman Tries To Choose His Favorite "B*tch"

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | July 25, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Videos | July 25, 2013 |

I know, I know. We already had an Aaron Paul Is Adorable On Talk Shows post today. But we’re into the final stretch of the last hiatus before the final eight episodes of the last season of TV’s greatest drama. So get over it.

Paul was, well, adorable on “Conan” trying to choose his favorite Pinkman “bitch” moment. He also just says “bitch” a lot while wearing a sharp suit. What more could you ask for, internet?

Added late night bonus? “Breaking Bad” creator Vince Gilligan’s head on a tortoise cake for the official “Breaking Bad” party on the Sony lot.
(via Twitter)

I want to go to there.
(via Twitter)