By Alexander Joenks | Videos | November 12, 2012 |
By Alexander Joenks | Videos | November 12, 2012 |
In 2003, I fell in love more deeply than I would have ever thought possible. That TiVo, with its quaint 40 gigabyte hard drive is still in a box in my garage, sleeping away eternity with the rest it earned over and over again. The greatest ba-boop my old friend ever chimed was in the late autumn of that year, as the leaves began to change (that’s a blatant lie, leaves don’t change in California, but I digress). It said, I see that you’ve been recording “Stargate SG1” in such quantities that it’s pulling down from four different channels from four different points in the show’s run, and while normally I might see if you were interested in Spanish language soap operas, this time, just this time, I’ll suggest that you might be interested in this “Battlestar Galactica” miniseries.
My response was less than eager. I had little need for remakes of low budget television rip offs of Star Wars from the 1970s. I mean I had standards. I was busy watching a television remake of a bad 1990s science fiction movie. But then I got the worst cold of my life, a flu-nasal-ebola hybrid that wrecked me for a week. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t eat. I could not function at anything approaching sentience. Ba-doop. Ba-doop. But I could watch “Stargate”.
And by the end of the sickness there was no “Stargate” left and from the bowels of the recommended section at the bottom of my TiVo emerged a choice. I could venture forth from my sick bed and try to learn to live again, or I could watch “Battlestar Galactica”.
It healed me my friends, it healed me.
And now in this post-modern age, where all the joys of the past go to die, mere fertilizer for new wonders that our 2003-selves would not recognize, I don’t need a TiVo to give me more “Battlestar Galactica”, I need only my precious precious Internet access.
The first two episodes of “Blood and Chrome” are below: