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Amy Poehler Surrenders to George Clooney in Seth Meyers' 'Late Night' Debut

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 25, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | February 25, 2014 |

I noticed this morning in our search referrals a couple of people landing here looking to find out whether Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers had dated in the past, and after watching the two together last night — Poehler was Meyers’ first guest on ‘Late Night’ — you can kind of see why people would wonder that. They’re very charming together, but more in a brother/sister kind of way, and the interview was nice, but a little rocky.

The set? Kind of weird, honestly. There’s a lot of wood. It looks a little like some guy’s fancy man cave, where he pretends to be an ESPN anchor. But the Poehler/Meyers rapport is most certainly there, and during this segment, Poehler also became the first woman in the history of the world to ask Clooney to “please stop,” here in reference to the prank war Poehler and Tina Fey began at the Golden Globes.

Poehler cries uncle.

Vice President Biden was also on, sitting next to his biggest admirer, Leslie Knope, who announced her candidacy for President in 2016.

Finally, here’s a short segment from the cold open.