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Amanda Peet's Husband Snaps a Photo of Her Cabbage-Covered 'Porno Boobs'

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 8, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | January 8, 2015 |

Amanda Peet, who is married to Game of Thrones showrunner David Benioff, recently gave birth to her third child, and she looks fantastic, but then again, she always does. Those of you who have given birth, or who are intimate with those who have given birth, are likely familiar with all the wonderful ways in which God plays tricks on the female body. I am so sorry, mothers. After nine months of sneeze-pissing, morning sickness, and weight gain followed by an experience in which your hips open up like THE JAWS OF LIFE, your body deserves a respite.

No such luck, as mothers also get to experience the wonders of engorged breasts (which look great) and, of course, clogged ducts, an often very painful experience, recently taken up hilariously in Neighbors (clip NSFW for Rose Byrne’s breasts).

Of course, we husbands — because we are infantile assholes — often get a kick of of it, as David Benioff did in Amanda Peet brushing her teeth while sporting cabbage covered “porno boobs,” as she explains to Ellen Degeneres. He took the above photo.

You may not be surprised to learn that cold cabbage leaves don’t actually work very well, either.

Here’s the money shot, so to speak.
