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Twitter's Muted Reaction to Donald Trump's Official VP Pick

By Dustin Rowles | Twitter | July 15, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Twitter | July 15, 2016 |

After saying he was going to postpone the announcement until tomorrow in light of the attacks in Nice, Donald Trump got itchy and pulled the trigger on Twitter this morning.

The pick will be made official at a news conference tomorrow.

Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana, is socially conservative. I also understand he was facing a tough reelection battle in his home state. He supports anti-LGBT legislation, he is anti-choice, he wants to defund Planned Parenthood, and he’s anti-immigration. He is also a cigarette truther.

Hillary already has an ad out criticizing the new VP contender, Mike Pence.

Pence, who endorsed Ted Cruz in the primary, has also spoken against a few of Trump’s policies.

Mostly, however, the guy just seems kind of dull. He will apparently appeal to establishment Republicans, although having a white dude from Indiana is not exactly going to widen Trump’s appeal.

The reaction on Twitter was fairly muted given the hostile reaction Trump usually elicits, which I suppose was exactly Trump’s intent. Do no harm.

As most of us don’t know that much about Pence, we are looking to our Indiana readers to help enlighten us.