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The Best Of Twitter's #TrumpCantSwim Tide

By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | September 6, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | September 6, 2016 |

Trump has been dominating Twitter “Moments” this past week thanks to the weirdly racist yet delicious threats of his supporters, and the epic fail of his brood to seem super cool and relatable. But the latest wave of Trump tweets began as a willfully silly conspiracy theory: #TrumpCantSwim

According to that dreaded Moments tab, this tweet from a political comedy account was the beginning. But the hashtag got kicked into high gear thanks to comedian Patton Oswalt, who shared a string of #TrumpCantSwim tweets with his 2.8 million followers as an appetizer, before feasting on the fetid ego of Martin Shkreli.

Naturally, Twitter ran with it.

Fired up Trump stumpers responded with anti-Hillary tweets, because they take ridiculous conspiracy theories way too seriously.

But for perfection, we turn to a parody account.