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Garbage Troll Tweets that Periods Can Be Stopped through Bladder Control, Gets Exactly What He Wants

By Courtney Enlow | Twitter | October 19, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Twitter | October 19, 2016 |

Here’s the problem with the social media age: it’s hard to tell troll from true. This dumb garbage child said something shitty and now he thinks he’s famous for it. I’m calling troll. But let’s rage anyway.

He could just be a dumb child with no concept of basic biology…or?

Troll. Definitely troll.

And he got exactly what he wanted.

Performative meninism is the strangest phenomenon. They clearly think they’re being funny and edgy and shocking, but they also further the actual misogyny they think they’re lampooning, and they also don’t give a fuck about women so their performative misogyny only covers actual misogyny and it’s exhausting and I’m tired and I’m going to go nap on a bed of tampons now, bye.