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Winona Ryder and Sean Astin Can't Keep it Together in the 'Stranger Things' Season 2 Gag Reel

By Mae Abdulbaki | TV | November 6, 2019 |

By Mae Abdulbaki | TV | November 6, 2019 |

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It’s nostalgia upon nostalgia in the Stranger Things Season 2 blooper reel. I know what you’re thinking: Why the hell are we getting a blooper reel from Season 2?!? Apparently, it’s the anniversary of Will Byers’ trip to the Upside Down. Shame on us all for forgetting about that. Though, to be fair, there’s no way anyone was actually keeping track.

Surprising as it was to get a second gag reel from the show’s second season, the two-minute video is filled with fun cast moments and Winona Ryder, Sean Astin, and a plethora of others tripping over their words or forgetting their lines completely. There’s also a fair amount of dancing and general cuteness. At one point, Millie Bobby Brown even has a file dropped onto her head. By accident, of course. Cue the laughter.

The Stranger Things Season 2 gag reel is sweet and wholesome and joyful, but I’m also left wondering why Netflix didn’t just post another blooper reel from Season 3, which was not that well received. My guess is it’s because Season 3 didn’t have Sean Astin in it, in which case I understand. RIP Bob Newby, you deserved better than what you got.

Back in September, Netflix renewed the ’80s series for a fourth season, which will hopefully provide answers as to whether Hopper is dead or not. He’s alive, I know he is, but it’d be nice to have confirmation anyway.

Watch the Stranger Things cast get… well, strange in the video below.

Header Image Source: Netflix