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Watch Krysten Ritter and Krysten Ritter in the 'Orphan Black: Echoes' Trailer

By Dustin Rowles | TV | May 9, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | May 9, 2024 |


I really liked the first couple of seasons of Orphan Black, but to be honest, Tatiana Maslany almost single-handedly carried that series over the finish line. Either Krysten Ritter will need to be as good as Maslany in Orphan Black: Echoes, or the storylines need to be better.

Here’s the logline for the series, set in the same universe as Orphan Black:

Set in the near future, Orphan Black: Echoes takes a deep dive into the exploration of the scientific manipulation of human existence. It follows a group of women as they weave their way into each other’s lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a wrenching story of love and betrayal. Ritter plays Lucy, a woman with an unimaginable origin story, trying to find her place in the world.

Based on the trailer, it appears that she will also encounter a younger version of herself. The series will also star the phenomenal Keeley Hawes. It comes from Anna Fishko (The Society, Fear the Walking Dead) and the original’s co-creator John Fawcett.

Orphan Black: Echoes premieres on AMC/AMC+ on June 23rd.