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Tyler Cameron Says ‘Stubborn Old People’ Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist Put a ‘Stain On Love’

By Emma Chance | TV | April 19, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | TV | April 19, 2024 |


Everyone’s favorite former Bachelorette contestant (who is too good and too much of a playboy for his own Bachelor season, I fear) recently shared his thoughts about Golden Bachelor couple Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist divorcing just three months after their televised wedding.

“Three months? They make all of my relationships seem very long. Like, golly, I’m a dating expert compared to them!” Cameron said on the SiriusXM show The Happy Hour, adding that the divorce “put a stain on love and Bachelor Nation” because their story up to that point was “the most wholesome.”

“[They] brought like, joy and true love, that we thought, and then they just pulled the rug right out from under us like, ‘Nope, we don’t want to live together [or] near each other,’” he said. However, he has a theory.

“My dad, he’s old,” he explained. “He’s set in his ways, and he’s single, and he can’t find anyone that wants to deal with the stuff he does. And I’m like, ‘Well, I don’t blame them, Dad.’ But he doesn’t want to change much either, and I imagine Gerry and Theresa … don’t want to change their ways … Like it’s just two stubborn old people, you know, and when you get older, you get more stubborn.” He said it, not me!

When asked again about the subject on last night’s What What Happens Live! he said “Shame, shame, shame!” and “Cancel them!” before saying, “I’m just kidding.” But was he? He also said “Never say never” about being the Bachelor someday, but that he believes in telling “the greatest story you can tell, and maybe one day down the road it could be a cool story, but not right now.”