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The Best Show You're Not Watching Returns with its Fourth Season on May 22nd

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 23, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 23, 2024 |


One of my favorite shows on streaming television these days is an Apple TV+ series called Trying. It stars Rafe Spall and Esther Smith, and there are always a bunch of recognizable British faces in it. The show began as a series about a couple trying to conceive, then trying to adopt, then dealing with the adoption process, and finally, dealing with children.

Ultimately, the series is about parenting and marriage, but it has a similar warmth and humor to Ted Lasso, Shrinking, or even Heartstopper. It explores subjects that are relatable to many people. I love it, and I try to convince everyone I know to watch it, yet I can’t even get my wife to watch.

I honestly don’t understand why it’s not a bigger hit, although Apple TV+ executives clearly hold it in high regard, having renewed it for its fourth season. I think if more people sampled it, it would have a real chance of taking off, which is obviously double-edged. I want it to succeed, but I also sometimes feel like it’s my undiscovered gem—a brilliant, heartwarming show about terrific characters that has no high-concept gimmick, is not based on a book or other IP, and doesn’t even boast a bunch of big stars. It’s just great television.

Here is the trailer for the fourth season, which premieres on May 22nd on Apple TV+. There’s plenty of time to watch the first three seasons (half-hour episodes) before it returns. You won’t regret it.